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The Theory of Change

Azure Media’s engagement and action approach – rooted in the Theory of Change – can fuel individuals’ attitudinal or behavioral change, social or community transformation, or policy and systemic change.

Used widely in economics, sociology, and psychology, The Theory of Change defines change as a process occurring in stages, not a single event.  The Transtheoretical Model of behavior change, outlines how people are in one of five stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, or maintenance. Each stage prepares for a subsequent stage in the process. People must move sequentially from one stage to the next. Rushing or skipping stages results in disengagement. Change goals are easiest to attain if they are specific, not too numerous, and reachable in practical ways.

Awareness-to-Action Ripples

Azure Media’s proven developmental strategy – Awareness-to-Action Ripples™ – applies key principles of the Theory of Change to media-anchored social action campaigns. 


Azure Media integrates transmedia projects with ongoing social impact campaigns, inspiring audiences to action. By activating transmedia storytelling, strategic partnerships, and affinity groups simultaneously from the bottom up and the top down, these initiatives reach both public and influencer audiences.


Strategically designed media impact initiatives move these audiences outward through consecutive ripple stages of change – from awareness, to understanding, to engagement, and ultimately, to action around a media project and its associated issue. First, the high-profile multi-media project creates audience awareness and understanding (precontemplation and contemplation) around a media event or issue. Then, various social impact campaign elements – from social media and targeted communications to partner events and calls-to-action – create deeper engagement and action (preparation and action). To sustain engagement and action (maintenance), the social impact campaign must be cross-platform, interdisciplinary, and ongoing.

From Action to Change

Azure Media works with social issue experts and evaluation companies to set goals that seed authentic, measureable, and sustainable behavioral, social, and policy change. Azure develops proven, simple, and doable calls-to-action contributing to those goals on a sliding scale of commitment, each amplifying audience engagement and moving audiences to the next stage of change. Once a person has successfully engaged in an action or stage, tailored communications and strategies engage them in a deeper or subsequent action. 


Examples of individual actions are sharing content, signing petitions, communicating with elected officials, raising money, attending events, volunteering, and advocating for causes. Individual change includes attitudinal and behavioral change and willingness to act. Institutional and policy change includes establishing new regulations, passing legislation, and developing programmatic interventions. If the calls-to-action contribute to thoughtful goals, these seemingly small acts and events can contribute to big change.

Musicians from around the world are ambassadors to "A Chance to Rock" -- an initiative to provide free music lessons to children in foster care. 

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